Monday, April 11, 2011

Bored on a Monday night. Starting a blog.

  So when I get bored, or I should say, when my husband and I get bored, he plays on his playstation and I practice my water marbling and/or do my nails. It's always fun and makes me feel good about saving money. I was going to get my nails done. Spending around $50-$60 at a time every two to three weeks on pink and white.
  Water marbling allows me to play with colors and show off some of my personality instead of having the bland same 'ol same 'ol, stuck up french manicure look. Even my husband likes it, not only because it saves money but it's something different to looks at and shows him my creativity.
  Hopefully I will get this blogging thing down and figure out how to post pictures and links that I have used to help me. I am far from a perfectionist when it comes to my nails and sometimes get frustrated when a design doesn't turn out how I want. With that said, I hope (when I get pics posted) it will help you and inspire you to come up with your own ideas for designs or at least give you something to do as it did for some of my family and friends. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. So I figured out (mainly with the Help of my cousin) how to post Pics!!! yay!!!
